...providing support and professional development for teachers
of mathematics students from kindergarten and beyond


KCTM Governing Board

 To contact a board member, please click on email link.

Kelly Stidham has been learning about mathematics from her students and colleagues in Kentucky as a teacher, instructional coach and consultant.  Currently, she serves the Northern Kentucky region as an Effectiveness Coach with the KDE.  She is learning to ask better questions - of herself, her students, and her professional learning network.  This is her 6th year on the KCTM board.

Stidham, Kelly - Office of Next Generation Learners


NCTM Representative
Amy Herman recently retired from Jefferson County Public Schools, where she was the District Mathematics Specialist (K-12). Before that, she served as a mathematics consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education. Amy is currently working as a professional development consultant. She is the GLCTM Representative on the KCTM Board.

Amy Herman, Independent Professional Development Consultant


  Mesa Chair

Jamie-Marie Miller has taught fifteen years in Lincoln County both at the high school and middle school levels. She has been on the KCTM Board for eight years serving as Middle School Vice President for two terms and President for one term. Currently, Jamie-Marie is working with University of Kentucky’s Partnership Institute for Mathematics and Science Education Reform (PIMSER) as a Regional Teacher Partner providing professional development to mathematics teachers and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Kentucky in the STEM Education program.

Jamie-Marie Wilder, Lincoln County

 Secretary Melissa Cheatham, T.J. Middle School


Teacher support grant chair
Barbara Jacobs retired from Jefferson County after 36 years working at Slaughter Elementary and Auburndale Elementary.   She currently serves as Treasurer and chair of the KCTM Support Grant Committee.  She has served in the past as Elementary Vice President.
Barbara Jacobs, Retired JCPS

Vice-President Elementary Carol Muzny has been an intermediate teacher in Kenton County Schools for over 30 years.   She has a passion for teaching math and it is her goal to make her students become young mathematicians who  understand and enjoy the “music of math”.

Carol Muzny, Taylor Mill Elementary

Vice-President Middle Natalie McCutchen, Simpson County

Vice-President High Kelly Lindsey, NBCT, has been teaching math at Boone County High School in Northern KY for the past 9 years.  Previously, she taught in Nigeria, Virginia, Maryland and other parts of Kentucky.  She is an active participant in many teacher leader projects through NKU and currently serves as chair of the math department at BCHS.  Teaching is a life-long passion and, after 34 years, she still enjoys learning to become a better teacher.

Kelly Lindsey, Boone County

Vice-President College Before moving to Kentucky, Dee taught mathematics, science, and gifted
education in Virginia, serving students from grades 2 through 8.  She recently completed her doctorate in math education, and has an interest in issues of rural education.
Dee Crescitelli Kentucky State University, Kentucky Cent for Mathematics


Vendor Chair

Gloria Beswick taught over 34 years in Jefferson County, both in the classroom as a middle school mathematics teacher and at the JCPS District as a Mathematics Resource teacher. Since retiring Gloria has been an Independent Consultant involved in a number of mathematics education projects, including working as a Texas Instruments Regional Instructor, a Regional Teacher Partner for the Partnership for Mathematics and Science Education Reform (PIMSER), and assorted projects at Bellarmine University and the University of Louisville. She is on the GLCTM Board in addition to serving as the Vendor Chairperson for KCTM. 

Gloria Beswick, Jefferson County

Data Chair/ 
Conference Registration

Chad Padgett has been teaching at North Oldham High School for the past 11 years.  He enjoys reading, classical music, and crossword puzzles and currently serves as the conference registration and data management chair for KCTM.

Chad Padgett, Oldham County

Communications Chair Ronni Tallent, Henry Clay High School
 Katie Ruff, North Bullitt High School

KCTM Products Jana Bryant, Daviess County Schools

MESA Awards  Jamie-Marie Wilder, Lincoln County
(See above for bio)

KDE Representative

Robin Hill began her teaching career at Shelby County High School in

1990. She has been a mathematics consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education since 2008 and works with teachers across the state at all levels. Robin is a member of NCTM, NCSM and ASSM, and represents Kentucky on multiple national committees. She is currently the president-elect of the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, an affiliate of NCTM. She holds a B.S. in mathematics and an M.A. in secondary mathematics education from Murray State University. Robin has served as the KDE representative to KCTM since 2008.        


Robin Hill, Kentucky Department of Education


 KCM Representative Before moving to Kentucky, Dee taught mathematics, science, and gifted
education in Virginia, serving students from grades 2 through 8.  She recently completed her doctorate in math education, and has an interest in issues of rural education.
Dee Crescitelli Kentucky State University, Kentucky Cent for Mathematics


 BBCTM Representative Margaret Mohr Schroeder, University of Kentucky
 CCTM Representative Judy Pennington-Price, Jackson County
 GLCTM Representative Amy Herman recently retired from Jefferson County Public Schools, where she was the District Mathematics Specialist (K-12). Before that, she served as a mathematics consultant for the Kentucky Department of Education. Amy is currently working as a professional development consultant. She is the GLCTM Representative on the KCTM Board.

Amy Herman, Independent Professional Development Consultant
LCTM Representative Natalee Mauney Feese is the KCTM Representative for the Lexington Council of Mathematics.  She has served Fayette County Math since her graduation from the University
of Kentucky and coordinated both KCTM Math Bowl and Regional
Chapter MathCounts for 20+ years.

Natalee Feese, Fayette County

 NKCTM Representative Bethany Noblitt teaches mathematics and mathematics education courses at Northern Kentucky University.  She enjoys working with pre-service teachers at the elementary, middle and secondary grade levels. She currently serves as the Past-President of KCTM.

Bethany Noblitt, Northern Kentucky University

 WKCTM Representative  Vivan Moody, Western Kentucky University

Updated on 11/20/2015

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